Jack’s MagazineWurundjeri Woi Wurrung Land

Former Royal Mint SiteWurundjeri Woi Wurrung land

Geelong Telegraph StationWadawurrung land

Avoca Police ReserveDja Dja Wurrung Land

Ballan Court HouseWadawurrung land

Beaufort Court HouseWadawurrung land

Carlton Court HouseWurundjeri Woi Wurrung land

Carome Homestead and former Wollert ChurchWurundjeri Woi Wurrung land

Horticultural HallWurundjeri Woi Wurrung land
Working Heritage manages heritage places on Crown land in Victoria, Australia, through conservation, adaptation and re-use. We are responsible for 16 heritage places across metropolitan and regional Victoria – from the Former Royal Mint in central Melbourne to Court Houses in rural towns. We specialise in managing government assets of heritage significance that are no longer needed for their original function. Our role is to find contemporary uses for these places that provide community benefit and contributes to their continued care.
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